Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 10

Yesterday we had gotten up and gone to a little stream and had gone to talk about what the meaning for fish shocking was. The lady (sorry forgotten the name) had talked about how when they do shock the fish they net them and put them into a bucket and after that they relocate them for some reasons. After her presentation about the fish we had all started to get water proof gear on for when we go into the water to see what it is like to zap and catch the fish. When we had gotten into the water we had went a little way down the stream to start off with the short group. What really got me was that I actually was apart of the tall group and not a part of the small group. When we were down by the shallow area we used the zapper and only caught a few tiny fish until we had caught a little bit bigger of a fish that was about more than 4 inches. After getting done in the shallow end we had all the tall group go to the deeper area and catch the fish in that area. When we started to catch some of the fish we had caught a lot of the bigger fishes and was better. When we were in the deeper area Al had stuck his hand in the water to see how cold it was but not knowing that the zapper was on he got shocked. After Al got shocked then he started laughing and then we all kind of laughed with him. Then after they called us out of the water 20 minutes later the lady had started to talk about the fish that we had caught earlier that day (forgotten the names of the fish she had named). Then after hearing about the fish we all went back and took off the water proof clothes and then loaded up on the cars and then we had left to back to the school.

After getting to the school we went into the library and with Twa-le Swan, Air Quality Manager and she had talked to us about the Air Quality that was around in the air and also in your house, along with talking about pollutions by coal and oil. One of the first things she had talked about was about how the Dawn mining company always had thrown their hands up and gave up on a mine when it all got tuff. Then when the Midnight mine had gotten shut down was when the Dawn Company had abandoned the Midnight mine to attend by their selves. During the 10 years that the midnight mine was shut down all the dirty and polluted waters had slowly made its way to the rivers. Because of the pollution in the river deer and elk and animals still drank from the water which had made stuff growing inside the animals. And around the area of the polluted river was still hunting and when people had killed an animal and gutted the animal there was strange things growing inside the animals bodies from drinking the polluted waters. Finally She had talked about how all the tribes including Yakima, and other tribes coming together and fighting against government to stop coal and oil transportation to China.

After meeting with Twa-Le Swan we had gone back to the camp ground to eat lunch. But when we were done we had went to a farm and met with Savannah Walker, a Marine Biologist and talked about the farm and how she grows crops to feed the wild life. When we were there she had mentioned about how horses got into the crops and nearly destroyed the crops, so her and some other people had to go over and chase the horses out of the area. After she talked about the horses she mentioned how wolves are starting to come back into the Washington state area and was hunting and preying on cattle and was starting to prey on elk which was when the tribe had started to shoot at the wolves in order to keep the protection of the Elk herds. After her presentation she had showed us where the crops were and then we all loaded back up into the cars and started to head to the lake where we could swim.

After getting the spot to swim I had gone in and changed then we all went to the water aand got in. When we all got to the water we went to the dock that was in the middle of the water and the sign on the dock had said no diving. When we got to the top of the dock I finally decided to go and try to dive. But I guess all it took was a no diving sign for me to try an dive and when I tried I actually dove pretty good. And then after diving we all ended up playing king of the dock and no one really won at all. When I went to go and try to push Chrissy in she just laid down and rolled into the water. After 45 minutes of swimming Jessica had called us back in and we had started to do some drawings before we had to go back to camp and make dinner. Then I had asked Ms. Morse if we could draw whatever we wanted and she said yes so that was when I had decided to draw a Seahawks Logo with the Superman Symbol in the background. After being done with drawing we left and went back to camp and waited for George Hill to come and stop by the camp again to show the drawing that we had drew. But he had brought some of his painting and sculptures and had talked about all of them and what they really meant. When he saw my drawing we had started to talk about the Seahawks and about if Russell Wilson will get paid the money he deserves. But after we had dinner Warren had talked to us ad thought that he could bring us to the Pit House. When we got to the Pit House he explained to us that he brings his teams into there before every home game. Then we had said something on what we were thankful for. After everybody got done talking about what they were thankful for, we had said a few prayers and had smudged with Sweet Grass and then after we all had left to camp and everyone had started to go to bed.

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