Friday, July 24, 2015

day 13

On day 13 we all had gotten up in the morning and we started to eat breakfast we all had Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, and potatoes. When we all had gotten done with breakfast we had started to clean up and we headed out down to the beach area where we met up with Jennifer and she had talked to us about the lake and the rivers that had connected to it. Then she gave us a little map and we all got to put the little flags where we thought where the locations were. While we were waiting for Angelo she had talked more about the lake and the other rivers that were going into the lake. When Angelo had gotten to the area he had told that if we followed him we would go to the beaver dams. So we all got into the vans and we had followed Angelo to the first beaver dams sight and we had gotten on weighters to be able to walk through the swampy areas without getting our clothes wet and so we had gotten on weighters and we left to go the first dam. After the first dam we had gotten in the vans and we went to the next dam sight but before going to see it we had grilled cheese sandwiches. After lunch we all had went into thee dams and we went to a sight where the water was deep and Angelo asked sully to see how how deep it was and so I had tagged along and sully and I had dove in. the water was only about 4 and a half feet deep. After we had did that we all had gotten to go over and build a dam of our own, and the nominated leaders of the group was Chrissy and Al so they had told us the game plan on how we were going to build the dam. When we came up with the plan we all sorted out who did what I was in the job of finding big rocks in the water. But in the water all the big rocks were in the ground deep so it took a lot of work to try and get the rocks out of the ground. After we had gotten done with the dams we had the judges tell us what their opinions were and so far what Angelo had said was that we did good and that was all some of the things that a beaver would look for in a dam and would a comforting look into adopting the dam for themselves. When we got done with the judges we had gotten in our vans and had left to back to the wellness center to shower unless some of the people wanted to smell like beaver scat. After we showered we did our blogs and then sully and I wanted to go into the weight room but we had taken too long on our blogs and we hadn’t been able to go to the weight room.

                After blogging we loaded back up in the vans and started making our way back to camp we had sloppy joes and then we got to go to bed with full stomachs.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 12

On day 12 we had all gotten up and went to the wellness center and had taken showers. When I got done with the showers I had waited for the other members of the group to get ready, while waiting I decided to check out the weight room. When I was in the weight room for about 20 minutes I had worked on my squats for 5 minutes then went to bench press for the rest of the time I was able to be in there. After everybody was ready we all loaded up and went across the street to the fishery program. When we got to the fishery program we went into the building and sat down in a room and Laura had set out a few snacks along with coffee, when Sully and I had heard coffee me and him had jumped out of our seats and got coffee. But when we all sat down we had listened Stephanie present about the little water channel they had built behind an owner’s property.

 A had filled up. After they had filled up the channel they had started to build a new channel and had taken 3 whole years to build. And during the presentation she had talked about when the old channel had to be taken out because of how bad it was starting to get. Also while they had started to build the other channel the best thing they could do for the owners was to help with making the lake a better spot for the people to be able to get out with ease if fell in. Then we had gone to end the end of her presentation and she was talking about how we were going to go to the owners land and had been able to go and walk around the channel and see what they had done differently.

                When we had gotten to the farm we had met up with land owners and they had talked about the land for a bit and we all had got to take some view points on where things were. When we got done they had let us go to the back of the land where the new water channel was. Then when we had got there we had walked around and they had showed us all about what was growing around the channel and how it was helping around the area. During the presentation and walking around my ribs had started to hurt really bad and then sully had to help me back to the vans and I took some Advil to help stop the pain and so I had laid In the van for a half hour while everyone had got through the walk. While I was in the van sully was still there to watch me and I fell asleep and I had thought I was sleeping for about a couple of hours but when I had asked how long I was asleep sully had told me I only fell asleep for five minutes.

                After the walk we all had got in the vans and I had started to feel better and when we had got to the fishery program we went next door to the wood shop and we all had gotten to help with canoe making that was going on. When we were working on the canoe a guy named John had helped us and we started to talk about how fun the canoe making was. So when we all had started doing some of the work sully and I got assigned to a certain job that John assigned to us. After doing the job he assigned us we had asked him what else we could do, but Jessica had said it was time to go. Finally after that we had asked John if we could come back sometime and help finish the canoe and he said that could use our help with the canoe. When we left we had went to the Wellness Center and started to do blogs, for a few hours, while there we had started to look at the weights and I was being tempted to go and workout. After the blogging we had left and started to head back to camp and had started to cook some Tacos. After tacos everyone had went to bed and fell asleep.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 11

On day 11 we all had left from Walpinit middle/ High School after doing some blogging then had hit the road for a bit and then we had stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods store. When we had stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods everybody had to get one pair of pants and one shirt because of us not being able to wash clothes. While I was in the store I had got to get some sweats and I had gotten a Russell Wilson T-shirt and while waiting for everyone else I had gone over to the weight sets and had started to pump some weights until it was time to get up to the cash register. When it was time to get to the register we all had gave Jessica are clothes and she had paid for the clothes. While Jessica was paying for the clothes I went over to the baseball section and then I had saw the nicest wooden bat it was all brown on the Barrel and black on the handle. The bat was pretty nice and only costs $ 49.99 after tax and made me wish that I had money left over. After Jessica paid for the clothes we had all loaded back up on the vans and had took off to get to Coeur D’Alene. When we got to Coeur D’Alene we had got there just in time to be able to go to the Coeur D’Alene Tribe Fishery and got to meet Laura, Gena, and Bobby National Recourses Educational Specialists.

                When we got to the Coeur D’Alene Tribe Fisheries Laura had showed us a presentation about the Chatq’ele meaning Coeur D’Alene Lake and how it was Sq’e qhq’ eqhtet meaning “ Are lively hood, our gem”. Then she had talked to us about two rivers flown through the lake and ended back together in one point. Also and Elder of the Coeur D’Alene Tribe named Felix Aripa had said, “We lived off the lake, our hearts, souls, and minds were there. Then in 1842 was the arrival of the black robes and brought with them diseases and other things like rats and mice, along with head lice. Also after the arrival of the black robes they had brought small pocks which had wiped out thousands of Native Americans and dropped in how many were left from being 5,000 going down to 500 still living. Then later on when the native tribes and U.S military started to have problems they had started to slaughter each other to death. Then after the U.S military wanted to punish the tribes that were involved- in August of 1858, Col. Wright Led Campaign. After that was all done U.S had completed the Mullen Road in 1862. Then in 1 year alone (1866) 20,000 people had traveled the road. After the presentation Laura had showed us a video about how U.S had tried to wipe us out but failed completely because of how strong the Natives Hearts were and that we would not leave our Home where we live for many generations and will not stop now. Then after the presentation we all went down to the longhouse and had a first Traditional Dinner that they had never had for more than a decade ago.

                When we had got to the dinner we all had gathered around and sat at tables and Listened to the lady that had out the Traditional dinner together talk about how its been a long time since having one of their Traditional Dinners. While she had talked about the dinner and the foods and how the roots and the berries had stepped forth to help feed the men along with the deer and salmon also stepping forth. And then after she had some dancers from White Swan dance to the Swan Dance and had them show about another song where a man an a women were madly in love and one day the man had went out for a hunt with  other men from the tribe but he did not come back after the hunt. After the man had not came back the women was very sad and depressed, then after she saw a caterpillar going from that to a beautiful butterfly and dancing to each flower at a time. Then they had made a song and dance to the story and the girls from White Swan got to dance to the song. After the songs the two ladies had sang a song while the girls had served the food on the table, after they were done with serving the food we did the traditional line up of the important foods and she had named them all of one by one and we took a sample off the food and took a bite then finally after the food we had a drink of water and she named it off. After naming off the food we all were all able to eat, then while eating she named off people’s names and gave them blankets and other things. Finally after we ate we cleaned our area then the lady had said that they were having basketball tournaments and canoe races along with swimming. After everyone was getting on the cars, Sullyvan and I had seen a bowl of fruit and a man had said the fruit was soaked in huckleberry juice. After Sullyvan and I got some of the fruit we all got loaded up on the cars and we started to head out to the camp.

                When we had got to the camp area we had got lost and did not know where the camp was so we kept driving and driving till we finally found where we were supposed to be at. When the Camp Owner showed us where we were camping at we had started to set up our tents and when we all did everyone was slanted at and angle because of the shape of the hill side. When we finally got set up we all just started to chill and waited for 10:00 to come so we all could go to bed. When it was 9:30 was when Jessica had handed out everyone’s clothes then everyone went to their tents and went to sleep.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 10

Yesterday we had gotten up and gone to a little stream and had gone to talk about what the meaning for fish shocking was. The lady (sorry forgotten the name) had talked about how when they do shock the fish they net them and put them into a bucket and after that they relocate them for some reasons. After her presentation about the fish we had all started to get water proof gear on for when we go into the water to see what it is like to zap and catch the fish. When we had gotten into the water we had went a little way down the stream to start off with the short group. What really got me was that I actually was apart of the tall group and not a part of the small group. When we were down by the shallow area we used the zapper and only caught a few tiny fish until we had caught a little bit bigger of a fish that was about more than 4 inches. After getting done in the shallow end we had all the tall group go to the deeper area and catch the fish in that area. When we started to catch some of the fish we had caught a lot of the bigger fishes and was better. When we were in the deeper area Al had stuck his hand in the water to see how cold it was but not knowing that the zapper was on he got shocked. After Al got shocked then he started laughing and then we all kind of laughed with him. Then after they called us out of the water 20 minutes later the lady had started to talk about the fish that we had caught earlier that day (forgotten the names of the fish she had named). Then after hearing about the fish we all went back and took off the water proof clothes and then loaded up on the cars and then we had left to back to the school.

After getting to the school we went into the library and with Twa-le Swan, Air Quality Manager and she had talked to us about the Air Quality that was around in the air and also in your house, along with talking about pollutions by coal and oil. One of the first things she had talked about was about how the Dawn mining company always had thrown their hands up and gave up on a mine when it all got tuff. Then when the Midnight mine had gotten shut down was when the Dawn Company had abandoned the Midnight mine to attend by their selves. During the 10 years that the midnight mine was shut down all the dirty and polluted waters had slowly made its way to the rivers. Because of the pollution in the river deer and elk and animals still drank from the water which had made stuff growing inside the animals. And around the area of the polluted river was still hunting and when people had killed an animal and gutted the animal there was strange things growing inside the animals bodies from drinking the polluted waters. Finally She had talked about how all the tribes including Yakima, and other tribes coming together and fighting against government to stop coal and oil transportation to China.

After meeting with Twa-Le Swan we had gone back to the camp ground to eat lunch. But when we were done we had went to a farm and met with Savannah Walker, a Marine Biologist and talked about the farm and how she grows crops to feed the wild life. When we were there she had mentioned about how horses got into the crops and nearly destroyed the crops, so her and some other people had to go over and chase the horses out of the area. After she talked about the horses she mentioned how wolves are starting to come back into the Washington state area and was hunting and preying on cattle and was starting to prey on elk which was when the tribe had started to shoot at the wolves in order to keep the protection of the Elk herds. After her presentation she had showed us where the crops were and then we all loaded back up into the cars and started to head to the lake where we could swim.

After getting the spot to swim I had gone in and changed then we all went to the water aand got in. When we all got to the water we went to the dock that was in the middle of the water and the sign on the dock had said no diving. When we got to the top of the dock I finally decided to go and try to dive. But I guess all it took was a no diving sign for me to try an dive and when I tried I actually dove pretty good. And then after diving we all ended up playing king of the dock and no one really won at all. When I went to go and try to push Chrissy in she just laid down and rolled into the water. After 45 minutes of swimming Jessica had called us back in and we had started to do some drawings before we had to go back to camp and make dinner. Then I had asked Ms. Morse if we could draw whatever we wanted and she said yes so that was when I had decided to draw a Seahawks Logo with the Superman Symbol in the background. After being done with drawing we left and went back to camp and waited for George Hill to come and stop by the camp again to show the drawing that we had drew. But he had brought some of his painting and sculptures and had talked about all of them and what they really meant. When he saw my drawing we had started to talk about the Seahawks and about if Russell Wilson will get paid the money he deserves. But after we had dinner Warren had talked to us ad thought that he could bring us to the Pit House. When we got to the Pit House he explained to us that he brings his teams into there before every home game. Then we had said something on what we were thankful for. After everybody got done talking about what they were thankful for, we had said a few prayers and had smudged with Sweet Grass and then after we all had left to camp and everyone had started to go to bed.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Midnight Mine

Today we had come here to the Welpinit Middle/High School and met up with Warren to talk about the Midnight mine. What Warren had talked to us about was first about the Spokane Tribe, then talked about Midnight mine. Warren had said that Spokane Tribes are called Children of the Sun, then had turned into fisherman after government had let them fish in the river. But one thing that was really taking out the fish was fish wheels, which was like a faris wheel goes under water scoops up the fish and then puts fish into a basket.  Before the lake became a lake it was first started off as a little river that flowed through the valley area and was a land of a few farms and houses. But after the water had started to rise the currents had started to flood and is now what is considered a lake. Then after listening to the presentation of Spokane tribes we had started to talk about the Radiation midnight mine that we had seen. The man that had talked to us about the midnight mine was Randy Barns. And when we was explaining the midnight mine he had talked about after visiting the mine we had to go to what was called a clean-up where a machine called Alpha meter. The Alpha Meter detects whether or not you have any radiation on you, if you had radiation then we’d have to stay till the radiation cleared off of the clothing that you had on. Then he talked about the mine and how it shut down in 1981, and just was on stand by for a while and then re-opened. Then after the presentation we had all loaded up in the cars and started to make our way to the midnight mine. When we had got to the mine we had stopped at a place called the clean sample and it was a mountain of sand. By the time I got up to the top of the mountain of sand I thought that, that was the workout of the day. But then Randy pointed out that there was fresh water in the radiation area. After being in the clean sample we had headed back to the camp sight to eat some Subway for about an hour. Then after lunch we had went back to the radiation spot and we were at location 3 and Lew Miller talked to us about how the location 3 was gonna be filled up in 10 years. After we had talked about location 3 we all had sat in the parking lot for those who were not 18 or older until Mr. Clinton had got all the WSHS students then we had left and went back to camp and we got to chill at camp till we had to come here and do these blogs.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Celilo longhouse

7-16-15 was the day when we had arrived at the Celilo Longhouse to be introduced to three men and one women ( sorry for forgotten names ). Then we had sat down in the longhouse and let them talk to us about what their jobs were. What they had done for a living was to capture salmon and put navigation sensors on to be able to track their movement and also to see how they survive. One man had talked about eals and what they do look like and one other thing was how the government considers eals as trash fish and that they do not need eals. After they had got into government to talk to them about how eals are very important to the tribes that they are trying to take away from. Also right after the speeches by everybody we had decided to help out around the longhouse, so we had put some gloves on and started pulling plants that the people did not want there. Finally after yard work we all got are mattress ready and had waited for dinner. The next morning everybody had a job to do around the longhouse and me and sullyvan had cleaned the boys bathroom, then after we swept around in the kitchen.

Friday, July 17, 2015


7-17-15 was the day that we had went to the Wasco county museum and met up with Valery Glowinski. When we got to the museum we had got shown around the museum and Valery had introduced herself. After she had introduced herself then we got to roam around and take photos and take a little bit of notes about the facts in the museum. In one area there was ice age area and then they had jumped right into present day with cougars and wolves along with rabbits. Also in another area there was antiques that showed what the Wasco tribe and what they had use back when before the settlers ever arrived and also when they had arrived. After we got done with looking at the artifacts we got called in for a presentation by a lady named Bambi and she talked to us about Raptors in other words bird of prey and the first bird they had showed was called the red  tailed hawk and she talked about how they hunt for their food and when they do hunt they go into the sky and soar down at a speed of 120 miles per hour, then right after they introduced the Great horned owl and it is different from all the other raptors because its feathers are shaped different to float or glide down and snatch their prey. Also they had shown for their last bird was a mini falcon cousins with the falcon which also at top speed goes up to 60 miles per hour to soar and to get to their prey. Also they had shown outside of the museum was two eagles that they had in cages. After they had shown the birds we got to stay and talk about what happened to the birds and why the people work at the jobs for. Then after the museum we went to horse Thief Lake and swam for a half hour to an hour then we ate hotdogs which we didn’t get to have ketchup with because Jessica accidentally forgot to bring the ketchup. After the swimming we got to go to the hike where we saw she who watches and before we saw that we had to walk a quarter of a mile and then finally got to the area or she who watches. When we got done with the hike we had started to make are way to the other camp ground right outside of Spokane. But on the way there we stopped at a rest area and that is when I started to get really car sick and started to puke up and after I had puked I went to the restroom to wash my mouth and then we continued on with the trip to the camp ground we were going to. While on the way I and sullyvan had started to watch that’s my boy, then after watching that we watched Chernobyl diaries and after we got to the camp ground we had made are tent and got to make bagel pizzas. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dams of Oregon

Today we had met Howard Arnett and we had talked about the three major damns and fishing rights that Native American and pioneers had made during fishing seasons. The river was a good source of electricity produced by the three dams. Ten million acre "ceded area” in north central Oregon. The reservation was at a total acres of 650,000, 98% is trust land. In Oregon only 5,300 people are enrolled members of the Oregon tribe and 80% of people either live in or live near the reservation. Yakima, warm springs, Umatilla, and Nez Perce all practice fishing rights. The treaty of the fishing rights for natives was June 15, 1855. Celilo falls was the biggest fishery for Native Americans. Along with people coming from around the world to come and fish at sheer falls for rainbow trout. Deschutes River canyon long been recognized as an idea hydro power location. Western area was put down as the power and will for Native Americans rights to fish. Then the Pelton Dam was built in 1957. The flathead tribe and warm springs are now starting to be in control of th3e dams. The Reregulating dam is up to 88 feet in height. The reregulating dam was powered by the electricity, enough to be able to power 7,000 homes. Pelton dam was built to a size 104 feet in height. Finally the Round Butte Dam is built at a height of 440 feet high. But now 226 streams miles now open to anadomous fish because of a place SWW. Then after meeting up with Mr. Arnett we all went to a park and ate some lunch while me and sully went to playground and started to mess around and have fun. Right after we all did that then we started making are way back to the camp ground. After making it back to the camp ground sully and I went and walked around in to woods to look for sticks that would be good to use for smores. But when we were in the woods we ran into a deer and so sully and I chased it as far as 100 yards then we stopped and started to make are way back to the camp to eat and after we all started to get ready for bed and to go to sleep.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Newberry Monument volcanic cave

7-14-15 was the day that we were heading toward the caves and then we gotten lost so the cars stopped and all the teachers got out and started talking about directions to get to the caves. While the teachers were confused and trying to figure out how to get there sullyvan and I saw a huge rock so I and he went toward it. When we got toward to rock sullyvan and I climbed near the top and then Clinton caught us and told us to get down. So when we were making are way down both sully and I both fell off the rock but was able to catch our self and land on our feet. But when we got to the car the teachers were still talking so sully and I grabbed sticks and rocks and started hitting them around. Then finally we got back on the road to head to the cave and when we got there we had looked around at rocks that were a part of the volcanic explosion. Then after looking at the museum area we had gone into the movie area and watched a presentation about the volcano. Right after the movie we got to go for a quarter mile hike and saw a bunch of rocks that were also apart of the explosion. On our way down a lady said raise your hand if we saw the lavanous monster because in the mix of all the lava rocks there was a tree shaped into looking like the locknous monster. When we got to the cars after we had gotten to the cars we went to the caves and got a presentation about the cave before going in. After the presentation we had made our way into the cave, but at the mouth of the cave because of people smoking it smelt like weed. But right when we got to the sandy part of the cave my light had died and I could not see until sullyvan and Judy had caught up and I got to see what was in front of me. But before they came with the lights I tripped and fell 3 times. While we got to the end sullyvan and I had raced till one of us tripped and I had tripped at the beginning of the race because I stepped in a pot hole. But when we got back out of the cave we had all loaded up in the cars and had gotten back to camp to get ready for dinner. After dinner we all had gotten ready to go to bed.  

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bend,Oregon Firefighters

What we were tought on 7-13-15 was about how Legistics are apart of every job. Legistics is made to help with the current job that we were learning about also goes for every job that is here. While we met up with the firefighters named Nick Swagger, and Robert Newey hey asked us a question on what the steps of sighting a fire. The steps that he let us come up with was first call firefighters to bring big water trucks and bring shovels and maybe could dig a barrier so that the fire could stop because of barrier. And we had learned about how it only takes one person to be able to feed or clean up for 10 firefighters when they are camping because a fire is big. Along when students had asked if they would just let the fire burn then Nick had answered saying only during certain reasons such as controlled fires to be burning weeds and to get rid of them. Then Nick and Robert had tought us about 1 hr, 10hr, 100hr, to 1000hr fuels, which fuels are the things that the ffire can feed off of like dried up grass. 1 hour fuels is something from zero to quarter inch object like dried up weeds or grass. 10 hour fuels would be something more than five inches and under eight inches like a twig. 100 hour fuels would be something more than ten inches in length like a branch that is already dead and dried up. 1000 hour fuels would be Logs that are dried up and dead that could catch on fire easily. Then like some of us that are interested in being apart of the firefighting business can go to a camp at age 16 and learn basics among in to camp area. But when legally trying to be a firefighter can sign up for training at age 18 to go through some the tests they have to pass in order to be able to be passed and be handed a red card for passing material. For example one of tests you have to pass is to walk three miles with fourty five pounds on your back and has to all be done in just fourty-five minutes. Also if you do work for the firefighting business but still in collage you are able to work part time for 6 months during collage but when you graduate from collage you can be able to work full time as a firefighter. Also when we had got done meeting up with Nick and Robert they had guided us up to a place called Bend seed productary and then we took some notes on how to do the job of taking care of seeds.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Beginning

First day of the science trip still in the heritage waiting for the rest of the people to get signed in. Cant wait to get on the road .